WeChat mini site

WeChat mini sites are specifically designed and optimized for the device & context of your WeChat audience. These bite-sized, highly customized sites create a better user experience than a standard WeChat official account, are cheaper than creating a full website and are great for campaigns.

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WeChat mini sites are specifically designed and optimized for the device & context of your WeChat audience. These bite-sized, highly customized sites create a better user experience than a standard WeChat official account, are cheaper than creating a full website and are great for campaigns.

WeChat mini site process

WeChat mini site requirements

Audience profile, assets, content and media gathering, sitemap, features.

WeChat mini site design

User flows, wireframe, mobile optimized WeChat mini site design.

WeChat mini site development

WordPress based content management system, mobile responsive front-end development.

WeChat mini site publication

Content input, quality assurance, speed optimization, publication.

Latest WeChat projects

Immergas WeChat mini site

AbitareLiving WeChat

Educatius WeChat

RMI Green Energy mini program

Blazing Beasts WeChat mini program

Blazing Beast website

Immergas WeChat mini site

AbitareLiving WeChat

Educatius WeChat

RMI Green Energy mini program

Blazing Beasts WeChat mini program

Blazing Beast website

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